
Mood Disorders

Board-Certified in Child, Adolescent, and Adult Psychiatry, General Psychiatrist, Board-Certified Psychiatrist & Psychiatry located in Spring, TX

Mood Disorders services located in Spring, TX

Mood disorders include all types of mental health conditions that impact your behavior in the external world. At the office of Olayinka M Ayeni MD PLLC, in Spring, Texas, Dr. Ayeni treats these conditions that are characterized by noticeable disruptions in emotion and may include severe lows or mania. Call today or use the online tool if you or a loved one needs help with a mood disorder. 

Mood Disorders Q&A

What are mood disorders?

When your general emotional state is inconsistent with your circumstances and interferes with your ability to function. Major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and even seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are examples of mood disorders. 

What causes mood disorders?

Mood disorders may have a genetic link. They’re often caused by an imbalance in brain chemicals. They may also result from stressful life changes or experiencing a traumatic event. 

What are common mood disorders?

Major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders are considered mood disorders. Other mood disorders include:

Bipolar disorder

With bipolar disorder, a person experiences severe depressive episodes that alternate with mania. During a depressive time, a person may have little motivation and feel hopeless and extremely sad. Depressive periods can bring about substance misuse or thoughts of self-harm.

Mania makes a person feel exceptionally energetic and euphoric. During mania, a patient may engage in risky or impulsive behaviors.

Patients with bipolar I disorder experience intense mood extremes, while bipolar disorder II patients have milder extremes. 

The mood swings of bipolar I disorder and bipolar II disorder negatively affect social relations, family dynamics, and work performance. People with bipolar disorder may also find themselves in dangerous situations.

Intermittent explosive disorder

People with intermittent explosive disorder display repeated, sudden periods of aggressive, violent, or impulsive behavior. They may engage in angry verbal outbursts that are quite out of proportion to the situation. Domestic abuse, road rage, or other acts of anger are potential signs of this disorder. 

Intermittent explosive disorder seriously interferes with relationships with friends, family, and colleagues. Your outbursts can have serious legal and financial consequences.

What causes mood disorders?

Mood disorders may run in families. An imbalance in brain chemicals often causes them. Depression can also result from serious trauma or stressful life changes.

How do you treat mood disorders?

Mood disorders benefit from a combination of medications and talk therapy. Dr. Ayeni customizes your treatment to the type of mood disorder you have and to its severity. He seeks to determine and address the underlying cause so you have better tools to manage your disorder. 

Call Olayinka M Ayeni MD PLLC, today to schedule an appointment or use this website to book online.